SBI IFSC BRANCH - GIFT CITY -Launched Today By SHRI RAJNISH KUMAR - Chairman.- (State Bank Of india)
The project was the fit out of the First in Gujarat Wealth Management branch which is used for (Create Wealth , Grow Wealth , Preserve Wealth for Generation . ) From SBI in AHMEDABAD at GIFT CITY, consist area of around 8500 sq ft , with cubical tables ,AGM Cabin,Previlage Desk, All Public relation desk,Meeting room, reception area, Locker Facility ,ATM facility ,cabins , staff canteen and toilets.
Our scope Office lighting & emergency lighting work, Power Plug Cabling, Data/Tele Communication , Ups Instolation , PA Work & etc . The installation was completed between September 2018 to December 2018.
Client :- Stete Bank Of India
Project :- Contract